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Past Events
2018 Annual Banquet
Sep 08, 2018
5:00 PM

Hunter Safety Courses
While we all like to have fun in the field and chase pheasants for miles, safety is one of the most important aspects. We promote and encourage hunter safety in the field. Hunter education classes show both youth and adults the proper way to hold, maneuver and practice proper gun care. We at Illinois believe it is essential for kids to become familiar with gun operation and be comfortable with handling their firearm. For more information on our youth hunts, please contact us through our website. If you are interested in enrolling yourself or your child in the Illinois hunter education course, please click the link below.

Annual Youth Hunts
The future of our sport rely on the efforts of those generations younger than us. To help promote those efforts and educate youth in the importance of what Pheasants Forever, we host an annual hunt, showcasing why our organization is important, but at the same time having some fun with our leaders of tomorrow.
Annual Banquet
Each year Lincoln Heritage Pheasants Forever has an annual banquet to get fellow pheasant hunters and those in the community to gather together in support of our pheasants. Raising money to help the efforts of conservation and habitat that is related to our pheasant population. As well, educating those new members and or youth in why our Pheasants Forever Chapter is important to the sport in our communities.

Monthly Meetings
Join us for our monthly meetings. The Lincoln Heritage Pheasants Forever would like to invite all members to attend these meetings. We discuss local habitat projects, youth events, annual banquet or other items related to Pheasants Forever and our local community in Illinois.

Member Hunts
Forming bonds and friendships in the field, all in the efforts of conservation. From time to time we have members getting together as a group to hunt some pheasants in our great state of Illinois. Check our collection of photos, from the photos of our members in the field, to our chapter events and hunts. All our chapter group photos can be found here. Even a few photos of our favorite hunting companions chasing some birds.

Social Get-Togethers
The Illinois hosts a Chapter social get together at the local sporting clays. Chapter members and their families are cordially invited. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends, enjoy some great food and have some fun shooting sporting clays.

Family Fun Shoots
All women and children will have opportunity to shoot one round (25 shells and clays) of trap for free at these events. Free instruction is available along with use of our firearms. We provide lunch and refreshments so come on out and have some fun.

Mentor Hunts with Chapter Members
We pair mentors with inexperienced youth hunters in a hunt for live pheasants in a controlled environment. Participants received shooting tips, dog training instructions and a chance to shoot live pheasants. All of the young hunters learned some of the finer skills of upland game hunting from our staff. Lincoln Heritage Pheasants Forever is honored to carry on the passion for teaching the next generation of hunters.

Veteran and Wounded Warrior Hunts
Each year the Illinoisgives back to those service men and women by showcasing a Hero Hunt. We wanted to give back something to those who defend our freedom so that we are able to do things like hunt, fish, and enjoy being in the outdoors in general. We will provide the location, shells, pheasants, dogs & handlers, clay birds, and etc. So dress accordingly and bring your shotgun! Be prepared for a good time in the field. There will also be a few raffles and food available for purchase.